Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Minecraft: The Best Indie Game Yet!

If you are searching for a fun way to experience gaming, you are yet to find it here. Mostly, gamers would just go on trying out newer games whatever that is that goes out. All looking for that one game that will keep you hooked! That game that people look for that will not end too soon or is not too lengthy losing your momentum along the way. With this inspiration Minecraft was created. Minecraft and the game's endless possibilities are esteemed as one of the best that was provided by the indie game developers. This game incorporates creativity and imagination summing to a good potential based on the gamers willingness to utilize intellect, artistry, exploration and fun. All these allow you to go beyond the confines of game rules making the game your own!

Unlock The Games True Potential with Your Own Minecraft Server

This will allow you to attain an exclusive game version giving you the power as the owner of the game itself. Just log on the Minecraft website and purchase the game! When you get to the website you will be provided the terms and conditions for owning the game upon purchase. This game is highly intellectual requiring building structures, strategy to protect your own and the exceeding potential of creating with blocks! Your character is highly mobile and altogether it is your character who will build your exclusively designed structures, then explore the darkest caves there is in the game. This game is not all about what was already mentioned but additionally there are antagonists whom you have to protect yourself from, skeletons!

The game will allow you to interact with competitors too! And this would likely happen when you are doing activities in-game like venturing, mining and farming. This gives you the opportunity to ally with friends to conquer your foes and to defeat the nightmares of the game itself. This will enhance logic and camaraderie among friends to achieve goals. This is what makes this game a holistic model that enhances not only cognitive skills, the intellect and potential strengthening of a balanced interpersonal relation.

The world of Minecraft is generated randomly giving all that space you need for the exploration to sate your curiosity. When starting on the game you will be cautioned regarding potential hazard this game pose to individuals who will be playing it. Why is this? This is because of the possibility of getting stuck with the game. We must admit that in our life we probably have been addicted to a game or two but this should not be a reason to neglect personal care.

Should you have any questions about the game, the developers, their background and other relevant facts visit Minecraft.net to learn more. For more information on how you buy minecraft server to unlock the games huge potential go to: http://www.buyminecraftserver.org/

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Monday, September 24, 2012

Is GameStop Going Out of Business?

Without hesitation I can say I go to GameStop for all my gaming needs. I love the store. I like walking in and browsing for hidden gems. I like pre-ordering games, buying used games, and every once in a while having small talk with the friendly, albeit, somewhat nerdy, staff.

Other than their awesome return policy on used games, and on occasion the reasonable pricing, I don't really think of GameStop as a generous, price conscious company. I know up front they are in it for the money, and to be fair, for the money, they mostly deliver.

I know that they buy my old games for coke caps and sell them for gold bullion. With all this said, I still love GameStop. if you're a gamer, how can you not?

Here's what is worrying me. I think of GameStop as an evil necessary friend, or a necessary evil; whatever, you know what I mean. They're kind of like your drug dealer, if you're addicted to crack. He doesn't really care about you, but he's got what you NEED and is always there when you need him.

With that said, I'm afraid I might lose my dealer and here's why.


GameStop is in a mad dash to get rid of their inventory. I bought 47 games for $108. That's with shipping and two-day delivery.


The rumor mill, the Hopi Indians, the web-bot, and even "chatter" being picked up by the NSA, are pointing to an all digital gaming market. All downloads... No more buying CD's or cartridges.


GameStop is not a publisher or a developer. It's a retail business, like Best Buy, and in case you haven't heard, they're closing a boat load of stores.


GameStop bought Kongregate, no doubt to diversify their revenue stream.

I'm speculating of course, but the future does not look good for GameStop. Or does it?

After all, GameStop has built a gaming empire, mecca, military industrial complex, universal healthcare, smelly kids utopia, gaming retail business Donald Trump would be proud of.

Surely they've got something up their sleeves. Please tell me you have a plan.

I know one thing for sure:

GameStop execs are working their butts off to survive the coming gaming apocalypse. You know, the one the Mayans predicted. You can be sure the corporate offices of GameStop are tense and cutthroat. And in this environment they will either succeed and survive, or alter their business model and be relegated to "publishing" browser games.

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Talk To Me Goose

Flight Sims have been a staple of PC Gaming. It's weird to think that you can play a flight simulator on a console.

It's a shame too, that you can't. Hold on a sec. Not so fast. There is one game out there. One lone wolf that even the most purists flight sim enthusiasts would give a nod to. It's got great graphics, fighter aircraft with unique characteristics, including speed, ceiling, payload, etc, etc. See, I've already lost the non Flight Sim crowd. But before you leave, you might be well served to finish reading this because you just might be interested in this one.

Let me take you back for a sec to my experience with Flight Sims. It goes like this:

Chuck Yeager's Air CombatJane's Fighters AnthologyJane's Israeli Air ForceJane's F/A 18and it's all pretty much downhill from there.

Nothing commercially viable was left. I don't know what happened.

So one day I'm strolling through Gamestop and I see this used Xbox 360 game. No not the Ace Combat Series. It seemed different. The box was calling me. It was expensive, but I felt a connection with it.Needless to say I walked out with it. After all, it WAS calling my name.

I start to play it and lo and behold, I have limited ammo. I'm not flying at the speed of light, I'm flying at 250 knots and it's taking me some time to get up to that speed. When I climb, my speed drops. If I make a tight turn, same thing.

Ok, so now I go back and equip my aircraft for some single missions. Oh my gosh, Phoenix missiles for my Tomcat! Sweet.

Then there's multiplayer. Only online of course. So, I get on. I figure I'll shoot a few folks down and call it a night.

The mission starts. I spot a bogey on my radar at 11 0' clock. I know what he is flying because we got to see in the lobby. Su-27. No biggie right.

I'm flying my big grey Tomcat loaded with 4 Phoenix missiles and a couple of Aim 7's I think.

Next thing I know he's got a lock. Still, I'm not worried.

He fires. Still not worried. We're going head to head and I'm going to take this turkey out. I can't see him but he's on my radar.

What happens next leaves me in complete shock.

I explode.

I spend the next couple of months learning to dodge a missile. Then another couple of months learning to dog-fight in without running out of guns.

I had found what I was looking for. A Flight simulator on the Xbox 360 where I could pit my skills against the best online. With time I unlocked almost all aircraft including the F-22, but my favorite was and still is the Russian Su-27. This game has the mechanics down so well you can pull a Cobra maneuver in the Su-27 if you know what you're doing.

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Poker Play: An Effective Strategy At Any Level

I never had an interest in gambling until I moved to Vegas. I was living in the suburbs of Chicago and working as a kitchen manager of a downtown restaurant. I never had time to socialize since work seemed to take up all my time. I was usually too tired from the long days of managing the restaurant. My wife and I were in the process of building a house in a brand new development. After our house was built, we made the decision to moved to Vegas. The timing was perfect, there was a housing boom in full force at the time and we bought our 2nd home at a great price. I moved out ahead of my wife for the purpose of finding work in the restaurant business. She was a registered nurse and was guaranteed work at a very nice hospital. Everything was good, or so I thought. Still unable to find a job at that point, we both eventually settled in our new home in Vegas and sold our house in Chicago and then divorced. I was single and jobless. I went through a few meaningless jobs before I landed a job dealing poker at Binion's Horseshoe during The World Series of Poker. I had a natural love for the game and was intrigued by the math involved in poker. My fascination with being able to get good "reads" on people led me on a pursuit to learn all I could about body language and the math behind poker.

I have always had an interest in understanding people. I studied psychology at Middle Tennessee State University in the early 90's. I have spent the last 11 years studying body language and facial expressions to better understand peoples' personalities. It has led me down a completely different path than I had anticipated. My aim is no longer to improve my poker game but to use research and studies to help myself and others understand personality.

Poker was originally played by groups of guys getting together for a "friendly" game of cards. Games were held in inconspicuous back rooms, dimly lit, where going "all in" could cost you more than the money on the table. There was always the threat of being raided by police, mugged by gunmen or both. It wasn't until Benny Binion moved poker to the gambling mecca now known as Las Vegas to legitimize what we know as poker. However, today's poker is an entirely different game. From excessive numbers of players to accessibility to information found on the Internet about the game and new and improved methods of play, finding the advantages in poker are becoming scarce.

There are three basic ingredients when it comes to playing poker effectively. The first is understanding the numbers behind poker, in other words knowing poker math. Next, is the ability to read someone's body language. And the third is understanding a person's personality. In this article, I am hoping to show you how these three interact with one another and how you can improve your ability to read others.

The first part to learning poker is the math skills. If you are saying to yourself that you are not good at math, that's ok. With a little logic and common sense, you can understand the fundamentals. Just understand that the math never changes. The statistical chance of drawing a specific card has, is, and always will be a 20 per cent chance. The basic are the percentages or probability of making your hand. For example, when I was playing consistently, I would look for certain percentages of my hole cards (Texas hold em) before I would get up from the game and try my luck at another table. I know that I should see a pocket pair once every sixteen hands, suited cards once every three to four hands, and suited connectors once every forty-six hands. The big statistic that saves me a lot of money is the issue with pocket jacks. I always thought this was a strong hand, however I learned that when holding pocket jacks, my percentages of a higher card coming on the flop are greater than my chance of getting pocket jacks! Lesson: don't play jacks to strong, you end up a long-term loser. An advanced skill to keep in mind is your expected value. Without going into too much detail about it, it is basically what you expect to get from a given betting session, and armed with this value, helps make your decisions. It's a little tricky and should be reserved for when you move up the poker ladder to then next level of game. For now just focus on the basic percentages. Don't get ahead of yourself. Get the basics down. It wont take you long. It took me about a week to understand the basics, then I was off to the races. Once I had an understanding of basic percentages and EV (expected value) I was still hungry for more. I felt like something was still missing from my game. I found that in my ability to read body language.

The next ingredient is the ability to read someone's body language. The skills you learn here can help you in every aspect of your life. As I continue my research and study in body language, I am still in awe of how this information is not valued enough to be taught in schools. The basic premise to body language is never, and I mean never, take a single body language and make a judgment on just that one trait. Some guys say if you really want to know what someone is going to do on a poker table look at their feet. At their feet? Come on, when I am sitting at a poker table, the last thing I am going to is say, "your all in, can you wait a second, I have to look under the table at your feet and then I can make my decision. " no, I'm afraid this isn't what would happen at a poker table. And it defies our basic rule to take gestures in isolation. The key to body language is to take body language in context. If someone has their arms crossed, it usually means they are being defensive. However, if they are sitting under the air conditioner vent and its 60 degrees in the poker room, it could mean they are cold, not being defensive. This is the best advice I can give you when it comes to reading someones body language. Once you become familiar with the putting body language expressions together in a meaningful way, the more advanced stage is to focus on the face and facial expression. There are more nerve connections between the brain and the face than any other part of the body. The poker face is expressionless, motionless but full of information if you know what you are looking for. There is a lot to facial expressions, too much to cover in this article, but what i can tell you is that your game will drastically improve once you start studying the face and all that it has to offer. Once again stick with the basics, learn to read overall body language, then move to more detailed information in the face.

Once we put these first two together, we have almost completed our poker game. The third and last ingredient is understanding the personality of a person. Poker, at a basic level, is a game about cards. You play cards, you look at cards, and understand the cards. As you progress and step up your game to higher levels, poker becomes a game of observing and understanding people. The cards don't matter as much. Naturally, the best hand wins in a game of poker, but learning the skills to understand body language (in particular, facial expressions) and the type of personalities you are dealing with, is truly what the game of poker is about. It is very important to be able to tell if a person is lying to you. The greatest gift you can have is the ability to not only make good statistical decision, and read their body language, but to baseline the person's personality by what you see and hear at the table. Personality is composed of five key elements. One, the level of intellect. Two, their temperament. Third, their skill level. Fourth, a person's morality. And finally, number five, their attitude. To function highly on all five takes a rather unique individual. And everyone swings on a pendulum from high to low in each area. But knowing this is half the battle. Knowing how to apply this information is the other half. Once you are able to make intelligent decisions based on personality, with enough practiced, can make you unstoppable at any level of play.

These are the three basic ingredients when it comes to playing poker effectively. In this article, my hope was to show you how these three build upon one another and how you can improve your ability to read others and improve your game. First off, learn the math, it wont ever change. It is the foundation to build upon to be good at playing poker at the beginning levels. Next, learn body language skills, emphasize the facial expressions and context. Learn how the facial muscles react to stress and how wrinkles form based on the long-term use of certain muscles. And finally, read someone's personality traits by how they behave at the table, how skillful they are at playing, their level of intelligence and temperament.

By doing these things and becoming a life long student of the game, you should not expect to stay at whatever level you are at. You can improve you poker game and see amazing returns when these principles are applied. A word of caution, once you head down this path, you will see everything in a new light and understand human nature better. Your new found abilities may just lead you into directions you may not expect!

I will end this article with a true, real story. In 2004 I was full-fledged studying, reading body language, and profiling personalities everywhere I went. (I am sorry to those poor clerks at the Smith's on Flamingo). It was new to me then and it seemed as though I could read people at a different, higher level. I could predict how they were going to react based on the things I said and did. It was time to take a chance at the poker table. I had 140 dollars in my checking account and withdrew the money to try my hand at applying this to poker. I played for 31 hours straight, applied all that I had learned at that point and presto, it worked like a charm. I cashed out over 30 times my investment (over 100 dollars per hour) and was able to take home enough money to cover my bills for that month. With the little extra I had, I bought into a satellite at the Mirage a few days later. The WPT kicked off their season that year at the Mirage, so I wanted to test my new strategies at the next level. It was about 200 dollars for the satellite. I won it. Entered another, won it. Entered another, won it. In no time, I won enough money to cover the super satellite into main event that year. They were giving 37 seats that year and I think there were 355 satellite entrants. When they announced we had made to 37, I was about 15th in chips. A ten thousand dollar seat was mine, with only a two hundred-dollar investment. I sold the seat at a very reasonable discount to a friend and didn't play the main event. I took some time off to get better at my skills, and here I am, eight years later. Do I regret not playing? Sometimes. I think about what could have been. But in reality, the matter is I have not looked back on the decision to take a break in regret, and who knows, when the timing is right, you may see me at a final table of a main event someday.

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Sunday, September 23, 2012

My Battlefield 3 Run In With a Girl Gamer

As of late I've noticed a growing trend. It is a trend that makes me suspicious and skeptical at the same time. I'm sitting in front of my TV, weapon selected, timer is counting down, and my way-points are clearly marked on the map. My squad leader is calmly and effectively communicating our strategy. Focused now, readying for the sprint. Then it happens; a girl's voice reverberates through the mic and into my ear. I am instantly demoralized. Our team prides itself in WINNING. There's a formula to winning. Strategy, discipline and skill. This is a war game. It may not be real war, but we treat it as such.

But today, we have a girl on our team. How did she get in? Who invited her? I stay tight lipped. I am but a junior member of this outfit and I am in no position to question the higher ups. Still, I am perplexed by her presence and even more so by the apparent normalcy with which the rest of the squad treats this clearly unacceptable situation. There must be a mistake. Maybe they can't hear her. Maybe they don't know she is here, running around guns blazing, looking like just one of the guys.

She is a Recon Soldier. She runs to a forward position and then runs back and keeps her distance. Figures.

Fighters, Helos and Tanks are running rampant but I'm no longer listening to commands and warnings. I'm fixated and watching this curious outsider, blending in, as if nobody notices. But I notice and I will expose her. I'm watching her on my HUD map and I'm about to blow the whistle and let the chips fall where they may. Then it happens.

Enemy aircraft start exploding and helicopters wildly tumble out of control. Javelin missiles strike enemy tanks in a choreographed marvel, John Woo would be proud of.

Her voice returns. This time, it's to call out instructions. They are delivered with authority and simplicity so much so that I can't help but follow them.

I see the upper right hand corner as it indicates that she, one by one, snipes the enemy soldiers in my path, one shot one kill, style. Fresh enemy tanks arrive but the laser from the SOFLAM she deployed is rapidly targeting them, and the team is dispatching them just as quickly. I'm making a run for the M-Com Station. I'm going to set the charge. To my left and my right are my brothers but they start to fall in the hail of bullets.

I'm on my own. The only protection I have is the M98B held in the purposeful hands of this outsider and I'm running. Soon, I'm too far from her lead filled deliveries that had so efficiently cleared my path. Then I see it. A radio beacon close to the M-Com. My comrades start to fall from parachutes directly above me. They provide cover and one M-Com station is now gone.

It was she that had placed the radio beacon early on, allowing reinforcements to deploy. That is why she had run forward and then retreated. She was no coward, she was a tactician. She had made the Su-35's, T-90's, and Mi28's easy targets for our Javelin wielding Engineers and she had cleared the path for my glorious, untouched RUSH to destiny.

The game went on but I could not. I sat, stared at the TV and marveled at what had happened. How could I question the skills of a fellow gamer based solely on an ignorant assumption. The term Gamer is not associated with age or gender; was what I had learned. I lost my internet connection and dropped out of the game. It was a good thing because I had realized I did not deserve to fight along side her. I haven't seen her since, but if she would let me, I would follow her into battle any day.

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Playing The Intriguing Mahjong Game

Mahjong is more than just a game. In many Asian cultures, it has become a way of life. It has easily become a favourite pastime for many, and has been fully absorbed into part of the lifestyle.

In other societies, the normal topic of many conversations, may be the weather, or sports, but in the Chinese community, the most prevalent topic, is often the previous Mahjong game players' score.

The Mahjong game is played almost everywhere, at home, in private clubs, and it is played on social occasions, such as birthdays, weddings, holidays and almost any occasion for entertainment.

Mahjong is idolized in almost the same manner as the game of golf is revered in the west. There is a now an almost cult-like following, with associated theorizing that insinuates that Mahjong truthfully expresses individuality and provides the opportunity to express personal freedom and indulge in self-satisfaction

Perhaps an immediate reason for the increasing popularity, is that it is easy to play and simple to learn. Players also claim that it relieves hypertension and improves mental concentration and alertness. The therapeutic effects, can often be noticed by playing the mahjong game after an exhausting work week.

The game offers opportunities, not only for socializing, but also the chance to demonstrate the ability for independence, without being influenced by adverse comments or actions from opponents.

The Mahjong game is played with a set of 136 tiles, of Chinese characters and symbols. Four players are seated on each side of a square table. Different regions may use a different number of tiles, but generally, each player receives thirteen tiles. The objective is to match all the tiles in his or her hand before the other players. Players, in turn are allowed to draw a new tile from the table or pick up a matching tile discarded by another player. The second objective is to assemble the highest -scoring hand. The score is based on the probability of achieving a certain combination. The lower the probability of achieving the combination, the higher the score awarded.

Very few devotees of the game, can actually explain the captivating appeal, and why the Mahjong game itself can be so engaging. Some avid players claim that the strategic manoeuvres that are involved, simulate challenges that may occur in real-life. Once the game begins, reality is often suspended, and players can easily become immersed a world that overflows with expectations and anticipation.

Endless variations make it difficult to evaluate the strength of opponents, and this may also contribute to the intrigue. No two games are the same, and each session presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities. With so much variety involved, the mahjong game, involving skill, calculated strategy and a certain degree of luck, will always be interesting.

Mahjong is more than just a game. Too many, it can become a part of the lifestyle, that can be enjoyed on special occasions.

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'Clues Name Hunt' Game For Picnics Or Corporate Events

Are you thinking about how to break the ice and to keep group's energy levels high during the travel? Your options for activities in this set-up are very limited to some age-old games. This article presents the first in the series of three innovative on-the-move clues hunt games, great for school picnics or corporate team building events.


You have a school picnic or corporate team building event and all are planning to go for a four hours trip on bus. Are you thinking about how to break the ice and keep group's energy levels high during the travel? A number of 'We have played this game before' kind of games can be played in this set-up. Now if you must design a brand new game then continue reading...



Create a list of names of few folks who are either onboard or known to the groupChoose the Clues hunt game duration. Assume about 3 to 4 minutes per clue and 10 minutes for game instructions and set-up. To play the game for one hour, you would need to create about 12 to 15 cluesShortlist names for creating cluesCreate and Print Clue cards

How to Play

Game Set-up

Divide the group in teams of 4 to 5 members each. Use fun criterion to select the team leads, like latest joinee in the group, most funny dress-up, one who is wearing white socks, one who loves most his family (Ask to prove that). Use your imagination to come up with more creative & fun ideas. Ask the team-leads to name their teams.

Instructions for teams

Each team gets one clue and maximum three chances to solve that clue. The team will get 100, 50 or 25 points if they solve it in 1st, 2nd or 3rd guess. If any team is not able to crack the clue then it is passed to next teams. If any other team solves it then they are awarded 30 points.

Begin Fun

Now say you have four teams and you had created 16 clues. Hand over the first clue to the team leader and give them three chances to identify the name of the person from the clue. They must solve the clue with-in three minutes. Follow this for other teams. Keep awarding the points and maintain the record. When all the clues are solved announce the winning team.


Create more than one clue for the same name, it is generally not expected by the group.
Handover the list of names present on the bus to all teams and inform clue can be for any one on that list and outside the list also just to build-up the fun and interest.
Mix some simple and some complex clues to keep the interest levels high for each team.
Create a sequel of games for the whole outing event and use Poker chips or Monopoly coins to make the teams collect the points for each game. In the end of complete event, winner team is announced and rewarded.

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Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Best Games for a LAN Party

Although many people may not have heard of LAN parties they have been around for quite some time. For those that have never heard of LAN gaming we will give a quick definition before we get into our list of games. LAN gaming is where two or more people connect their computers, generally laptops, to a local area network so they can play multi-player video games together.

The reason that you see so many people asking for a list of good LAN games is the problems that always seem to arise at a LAN party. When it comes to LAN gaming everyone has a different computer with different hardware and software. Some will have a newer computer while others have an older computer. For this reason it can be difficult to find a game, or games, that can be played by many people, with different computers, and different skill levels. Below is my list of great games for LAN parties, as always with lists of this type i am sure some people will disagree with my choices.

1. At the top of my list of best LAN games is any of the COD franchise. There are several reasons that i have chosen this game. First these are fun games to play with great graphics. Next, most people have played one or more of these iconic war games so there is not a huge learning curve for most players. Also there are many maps, weapons, games modes, and up to 32 people can play together. Another plus is that people that have their own copy of the game can join in the fun from off-site.

2. The next game on the list is Team Fortress 2. This game is fun to play. The only real downside is that everyone must download the game onto their individual computer and no one can join from off-site.

3. In the third position is Freelancer. One of the main reasons that i have chosen this game is that it has some of the best graphics and 32 people can play the game. It also has co-op and versus modes, any computer can handle the game and it is simple to learn. The only problem is that when large groups are playing it can become difficult to stay alive. When you die you are taken back to the start of the game, this can get boring after awhile.

4. Battlefield 2 is my next choice because it has huge maps, tons of vehicles and player kits, and it has good graphics. It is a fun game that can be played in co-op mode against bots or in versus mode. The number one advantage of this game is that up to 64 people can join into the carnage. The drawbacks are that older computers will not be able to handle the game due to the system requirements and it takes a long time to install the game.

5. The last of my best games is Dungeon Siege. This is a great game and is fun to play. It is easy to learn, the controls are mostly just point and click. It has good graphics with lots of different areas to explore. The system requirements are low so most machines should be able to handle this game.

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Top 10 Reasons To Avoid Gambling

10. The cause of indolence

Gambling affects your life negatively. If you are a regular, you might have missed your work occasionally because of a late night games at the casino. On the other hand, if in case, after a major loss you make an attempt to work you won't be able to concentrate for your mind will be preoccupied with the depressing thoughts from the loss. Many of the gamblers depend on the "luck factor" and start day dreaming ultimately losing interest in their job.

9. Results in depression and anxiety

Gambling addiction can be the reason of anxiety, depression and a host of other mental problems. The pressure of gambling addiction can generate terrific emotional pain which can only get worse over time. If you are a gambler and you feel anxious or depressed, it is suggested that you seek help right away. Gambling addiction has the highest number of suicide rates. Individuals are overwhelmed by this obsession and become despondent and hopeless, believing suicide is the only way out of the pain.

8. Deteriorates your physical health

If you have been gambling on a regular basis your physical health is at stake. People who gamble impulsively start neglecting their health. Additionally, the stress of the gambling obsession can even cause stress on your heart, particularly after shocking monetary losses. The emotional fall can in fact have an effect on your physical body in negative ways. A sheer game of luck, it will only cause you pain and nothing else. Is it not one of the big reasons to avoid gambling?

7. Makes you selfish, moody and rude

I have witnessed a lot of individuals who underwent a moral transformation to the worse after they got into gambling. The habit destroys the person ethically and makes him moody and rude. The greediness keeps his mind engrossed in the imaginary money, ultimately making him selfish. Inveterate gamblers don't think about other people. Their only aim of life is to finance their addiction and to win back their lost money.

6. Will make you lose your friends

You might be wondering how this habit of yours will make you lose friends. Well, if you are in a habit of gambling then it is more likely that if not today maybe later you'll borrow money from them. Chances are you'll not be able to pay them in time due to frequent losses. This will really cause strain in your relations. In addition, your addiction will make you ignore your friends as you will be preoccupied with gambling. You may then even miss social outings and some very important events.

5. Ruins your family

Gamblers are too tough to reform ultimately turning out to be a loser and having no family. Not a soul wants to be in this world with a gambler who is grumpy, unstable and squanders funds. So the outcome is the spouse filing a case of divorce or just leaving the partner. Many families have been torn apart by this disastrous obsession.

4. Induces crime

Fascination of gambling compels people to commit crimes to support their game. An impulsive gambler never leaves this addiction even when he is left with no money and instead takes on crime to finance his very basic need of gambling. Some people even turn towards domestic violence and torture their spouse on a daily basis.

3. Diverts you from your aim

When your life is all about gambling and just gambling, it then becomes your primary activity. All of your vigor, motivation, energy and inspiration are only gambling related and you tend to lose focus on the main aspects of your life. If you have any special talents or hobbies, it is most likely that these hobbies will not be given priority and you'll choose to ignore them.

2. Puts on hold all your future goals and aspirations

When you are addicted to gambling, it is obvious to stop thinking about the future. A gambler always lives for the moment and desires only instant gratification to feel what is known as the "gamblers high". It becomes very hard then to focus on any of the future prospects as they tend to live in a world of fantasy, placing bets and dreaming that big jackpot. Neglecting aspirations and all future goals is living a worthless life and therefore this is one of the prime reasons to avoid gambling.

1. A curse that destroys you financially

It doesn't take a lot of time to dig up a huge financial hole if you have an impulsive gambling obsession. Gambling can take away hundreds or perhaps even thousands of dollars in no time and add up to your debts. I have seen that people take lots of years to clear the debt and in their endeavor they even become bankrupt, ultimately devastating financial as well as personal life. Money is the reason why we all live and therefore the biggest of all reasons to avoid gambling is to save money.

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The Art of No - Within a Gaming Community

That is right, I'm talking about getting into that situation where you didn't say no (when you should of, but you was just being friendly or trying to keep the Peace) to a member and now they are running circles around you. Early in being a mod/admin/owner you learn that life lesson of not being to nice. There will always be them members who ask for an inch and take a mile, then you will have to give the mile to every other player/member in fear of it seeming like favoritism. Its a mistake I've done many times over the years.

The hard part is to be firm but not alienate yourself from the rest of the players. The best way to do it is to be firm BUT fair right from the get go, don't let yourself become a soft apple. Don't take this in the sense that you need to become this stone cold mother... you get what I mean. Just realize that you need to put on your admin/owner/moderator hat on and deal with people that way. Not in the way you would deal with a friend.

All members/Mod and Admins all know when it comes down to the community issues, I am talking as a owner. No your Internet friend or even your personal friend.

Lets say one of the members from our Minecraft server asks me if they can set a warp. (being able to set a teleport for you non Minecrafter's) Well on our Minecraft server we don't allow normal non donating members to have that ability. I would tell them no, the reason why I said no and any other information which would be helpful to that member at the time.

It would go down something like this.

Member: Can I have a warp set please?

Me: No sorry we don't allow [member] ranked players to be able to set a warp. This is because we don't wish to have 100's of warps on the server and want people to actually move around and see the whole map. However [VIP] rank has the ability to set 1 public warp, to get [VIP] you can either donate money or donate some of your time to basic jobs that we need help with.

Never just say "No" always back it up with reason. It will make the player understand that you are not just being mean. That's the reason you are saying "No" is because of this reason and you are not treating them any different to any other member/player.

Learn from an old hand, don't say yes when inside you mean no.

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Friday, September 21, 2012

Why You Need To Be Keeping An Eye Out For New Games

If you are a keen gamer then you are probably well aware of all the fantastic games out there to play in internet land. Many of these are free to play. However, play regularly enough and there will become a point where you have exhausted all available options. This is .

New games are going to present a brand new challenge for you. They are going to present new puzzles to solve, boss fights to master and races to win. Once you find a website that is packed full of new games, many of which you will have never played before, you could easily lose many hours. This is why it is essential that you don't play games at work! I am not sure your boss would appreciate it! Not unless he loves playing the best online games as well!

New games are being released all the time. However, sadly some of them aren't too good. This is why you need to find a website that will sort the incoming games out and only dish up the 'best of the best' in terms of new games. Otherwise you could end up playing some pretty poor quality ones, which will just be a waste of time!

Every single day there are a plethora of new games being released in every single genre. I urge you to try as many of them as possible, even if they aren't from your 'standard' style of game playing. You will most likely end up being surprised at just how much you can have! Remember, when you are a keen gamer, there should be no challenge beyond you. If you have never tried puzzle games before, then give them a spin! Likewise, if adventure isn't normally your forte, don that sword and go 'adventuring' in new games in the adventure genre. Basically, just play as much as you can, I am sure you will be able to find some 'hidden gems' out there, so pounce on them before anybody else does!

Some of the best new games are released in the 'arcade' genre. This is because some old classics get remade from time to time, whether they are a 'complete' facelift, or a pixel for pixel remake. So you should almost certainly check this out, more often than not you could end up stumbling across the very game that got you into 'gaming'. If not, you should be able to find something that reminds you of the time that you sat down in that arcade, wasting all that money.

Alternatively, if you want to give your brain a good work out then you should keep an eye out for new games related to the puzzle genre. A plethora of these are being released every day, so keep an eye out!

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A Variety of Tank Games

If you are a game lover and enjoy great graphics when playing a game then you will enjoy the tank games. There are several to choose from and each one is unique in its own way. It will all vary on which one you prefer. The Furious Tank game has different levels you can reach and you have to kill the enemies in a certain amount of time. Once you have enough money stored you can go to the store on the website and buy different forms of weapons that can help you kill the enemies better and faster. The graphics on this game is amazing and you can control it easy with the mouse button.

The Tank Blitz Zero is an action filled game that is great to play. You will use the E and Q keys to change your weapons. Pressing the space bar will allow you to launch a missile. Using the mouse you can aim and fire at your enemy. You will eventually be able to pick up bonus items so you can improve your moves on the battlefield. The main view on this game is to destroy as many of the enemies you can within the time limit you are given. The crusader tank game is you going into the enemy territory and destroying them before they can get to you. It is a fun filled action packed game that you will be sure to enjoy as you blow up the enemy tanks.

Zorro Tanks are about you helping the people of Alhadar from Karbafos who is an evil scientist and is out to destroy everyone. You can help them by getting rid of the scientist with your tank. You have a mission to travel through the land and destroy each tank that is in your way. After a few hits from your cannon the enemy will be destroyed.

A tank is a game that you can play with your friends or you can play by yourself. At the beginning of the game you will decide on how many players will play and on what particular terrain that you want the battle to begin. The up and down arrow keys will help you adjust the aim for the cannon and moving the tank can be done with the right and left arrow keys. When you are ready to fire then hit the space bar. After each battle you can upgrade and buy more ammunition. No matter which tank games you choose you will be sure to have a blast with all the advancements you can make in each game. Each game has fantastic graphics and entertaining music for you to listen to as you do each mission.

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Yahtzee Is Educational As Well As Entertaining

Yahtzee has evolved a lot since its invention in 1954 by a Canadian couple on their luxury yacht. Its original release was not very successful, and it did not gain popularity until the rights to the game were purchased by a well-known who released it on a wide scale to the public in the 1970's. This game is a classic favorite of young people and old people alike. Not only is it an entertaining game to pass the time, it is also beneficial in helping people with math and learning to count properly.

The only thing that has not changed about this classic dice game is the rules. The object of the game is still to roll six dice. The person who has the highest number of points at the end wins. The great thing about Yahtzee is that any number of people can play it simultaneously. There are thirteen categories in the game that you can score points on. The point system is very similar to a card hand, and you earn points for rolls of three of a kind, flush, four of a kind, full house and of course Yahtzee, which is getting the same number on all six dice in one roll. You can also earn points if you have a pair. A person only gets so many rolls in this game. If they roll the dice and do not obtain a scoring roll, then they must scratch off the scoring line of their choice on the score card. Zero points will be given for lines that are scratched off.

Through the years, several variations of the game have been introduced to keep people interested in the game. The variations include Triple, Painted, Battle and even Pyramid Yahtzee. In Triple Yahtzee, you use all three columns, and it is much like playing three games at the same time only it offers more points. Pyramid implements the use of dice that are shaped like triangles. In the Battle variation, things are even more interesting as you can knock the other player's dice with your own, essentially doing battle throughout the game. Painted Yahtzee uses a combination of colors and numbers.

The game and all of its variations are available online at hundreds of different gaming websites. This game is great for young children who need to brush up on their math skills, because in order to keep score it requires them to count their score from the dice.

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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Rugby Is a Great Contact Sport On and Offline

Rugby is one of the most popular contact sports in Europe. It is a sport that is mostly played by two teams that will try and get points by finding a way to get past their opposing team's goal line. The online version of rugby is played exactly the same way. The only difference is that you get to select your team name and in some cases other players to be on your team. In addition to passing the goal line, you can also score by kicking the ball and trying to get the ball to make its way through what is known as the opponent's uprights. The players of the game will also kick the ball while running from goal line to goal line. There are two different versions of the game. The first version involves the use of only 13 players. The second version has 15 players.

The sport itself is mostly played on a field of grass, and when playing the game online, the turf will look very realistic. The grass field that the players will play on will often be marked with white lines that signify specific points on the field. When the field is created for the sport, it will be done by using metric units that are 328.1ft from a goal. Inside each of the try-lines, you will find an in-goal area that will often have variances in depth. The depths of these try-lines are usually no more than 72.2ft for a union and 36.1 feet for a league. You will find H-shaped posts that are 18.4 ft. wide at each of the goal lines. The online versions use the same measurements in gaming perspective, to have the experience as realistic as possible.

The ball that is used to play the game is an oval shaped inflated ball that at one time was made from leather but now has turned into synthetic materials. A ball that is used during a union game is approximately 11.0 to around 11.8 inches long while at the same time being 22.8-24.4 inches in width. The weight of the ball is usually from 14.5 ounces to about 16.2ounces.

If rugby is your sport of choice and you feel as if you are not physically tough enough to take the strong hits that players will often take, then go online to play the game in the comfort of your home. Just like in a real world game, players that get involved with online versions will notice that shorts, long socks, and shirts will be a common part of the uniform. Keep in mind that when you decide to play there are three ways to score and that is a drop goal, conversion, a try, and also what is known as a penalty kick.

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How Guild Wars 2 Is So Unique Compared to Other MMORPG's

The developers of Guild Wars 2 agreed that the MMORPG genre of gaming was in need of an immediate change. They sought to create a more immersive player experience that would drastically change the way the average joe looked upon MMOs. To that note they have undoubtedly succeeded. Through its more intense combat system, dynamic events and remarkable approach to skills, Guild Wars 2 is truly unmasking the next generation model of MMO's, and will be praised as the "much-needed" evolution for a genre that has become bland and tasteless.

For instance, combat has been changed. Instead of standing in place casting spells, players will be able to run around while casting tons of spells, even ones that are channeled! It is this extra mobility that will intensify the pace of most traditional PvE battles, and help create a more diverse PvP experience. No longer will players have to completely rely on instant casts or spells to win in the arena, they can truly stand a chance against other opponents they never could face before.

Also added to this combat system is the ability to dodge. Dodging, however, will consume energy and should be watched over careful for dire situations, but in those certain situations a well-timed dodge could prove the difference between surviving and death.

The questing structure of Guild Wars 2 is ground-breaking and perhaps the most revolutionary essential part of this amazing game. Instead of traveling from one NPC to another, doing useless tasks that will drag the character in the wrong direction, players will be allowed to participate in events. Many of these events require a whole bunch of players in order to even have a chance at completing, while others offer tremendous rewards. Most importantly, events typically take place on an epic scale and are fun to participate in.

GW2's approach to skills feels unique and fresh. A player's first five skills will vary dependent on what weapon he or she currently has equipped. The sixth slot is a dedicated healing spot. The brilliant decision to grant each profession a heal slot will serve to break down the traditional Holy Trinity model present in almost every MMO, especially WoW. The 7th through 10th slots are dedicated to Elite and Utility skills, which are based on a player's profession and racial skills.

Guild Wars 2 is absolutely demolishing everything a standard MMO stands for, and is quickly proving that the MMORPG genre was in need of an overhaul.

Even better is the fact that there are guides already published for you to have. These guides are detailed and provide the users the necessary tactics to completely master GW2! Guild Wars 2 Secrets is a new guide that was released for people to enjoy and I had the privilege to buy it and make a review on it. Click the link below for the new review on this awesome Guild Wars 2 guide. Guild Wars 2 Guide Review

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My List of Fun to Play Flash Games

The internet is a great place to find fun and interesting things to do, no matter your lifestyle or gender. Gaming Opportunities are available and especially those type of games played by friends and family known as flash games. The flash gaming concept is nothing new but when played over the internet they can be challenging and tons of fun for all ages! Most of the flash games available online are free, easy to find, and absolutely a ball to play! Single players or multiple players can enjoy trying out their skills, maybe even beating their friends at the games they excel at. Choose from among biking, motor racing, kids games, and fighting competitions as well as themed games with star attractions like Ben Ten, Ren and Stimpy, and Sponge Bob and many, many more!

Here is a list of some of my favorite flash games which are fun to play

Classic ones like Sonic and Mario. These games never get old and with revisions in them (leading to newer versions), the fun levels are raised just a notch higher.Play sports games first. Whether you prefer indoor or outdoors for your games you will find plenty of challenging sports to try like basketball, tennis, hockey, football, and even table tennis. Indoor sports are free to play online and they include many board games you will remember.Racing is always a popular pastime online and there are lots of varieties available here. Professional racing, bike racing, and the ever popular arcade style racing are among the choices to be made on various web sites, free for the asking.Some silly yet rather addictive ones like dressing up blondes or making your boss's face or catch the mosquitoes can be lots of fun.Shoot 'Em Up games are always fun games to play! Virtually hundreds of first person shooting games can be had online and many find them comparable to the real thing or a real life experience!Flash games including Last Stand Zombie have a high popularity rating among thousands of online game players and it's no wonder because it is a role playing game in which you choose your own weaponry and characters to do combat on the many stages or levels available.Mature games such as Strip the Difference, Office, and Naughty Classroom are fun for those who are perhaps a bit more "mature" minded. See how much fun can be had with fun games to play with your computer and the internet.

Do you now see why the world is so into fun games played online?

Variety, challenging games, and tons of fun are waiting for you so what are you waiting for? Digitally designed graphics and high quality sound are all a part of these excellent games and that explains why they are so popular around the world!

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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Guild Wars 2 Character Creation And Guide to Leveling

There are numerous ways to continue your destiny with Guild Wars 2. Achievement is a method which gives you the required experience to unlock skills for your character. Biography is a method by which you will define the destiny of your character. It will happen during the character creation time as well as at various other advanced levels in the game. Crafting is a great way to create your character. As you select a profession, you will undergo training for various craftsmanship programs that pertains to your category. For example, if you are a warrior, you should be a master of martial arts. Your strength, speed, toughness and heavy armor will define the character. These abilities will help you get protection in various combats and you can safely play both offensive and defensive parts.

The character is further enhanced with the dynamic exploration. You should explore the map to uncover remote locations, interesting points, vistas and dynamic events. These will enrich your skill levels and Guild Wars 2 leveling, so you will further progress in the game. The character should be able to purchase food to survive. You should have food to fight in an effective way at all times. You can also gain great strength by killing creatures.

Guild Wars 2 character creation also consists of a guild system which implements their own communication system. As the members in the group strive for collective advancement, the rewards can be utilized to further enhance their skill levels and to unlock various skills. Home Instance is one way that will help in the advancement of your character. It depends on the accuracy of your decisions. This will influence the character and will help you as you progress in the game.

The inventory can be managed in various ways. You should have sufficient buffer stock to take care of emergencies. You should have enough space for inventory if you would like to play the role for a longer period of time. Jumping puzzles are great ways to enrich your knowledge and to speed up your Guild Wars 2 leveling. Although it is not a cake walk to figure out the locations, the time you spent in this head will pay you back many more times. There are a number of activities in each zone or map. As you complete the activity in a successful manner, you will be provided with XP. You will get a nice boost in XP if you can complete all the activities in a map. Necromancers are great for character advancement. Your personal story will influence your game. You will be guided to find the most appropriate locations where you will be greatly rewarded. Further, you will get the more meaningful life in the world through Guild Wars 2 character creation.

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How to Bluff Online

What about the opposite? Just how do you bluff your opponents online? For a similar reasons outlined above, I rarely recommend a flat-out bluff online against greater than a few opponents. Many players like to take a draw with bottom pair, hoping to catch two pair or a set for the turn. In the event you haven't even made a couple, they'll beat you each time inside a showdown. In a passive pot with quite a bit of callers, disregard bluffing. However, I highly recommend the semi-bluff online, especially every time you're in position. What exactly is a semi-bluff? Merely put, it is a gamble or raise with a hand which has outs to enhance, except probably is not the very best hand at the moment. Let's take a look at an example hand let's consider a move that have been highly successful for me playing online.

We're inside a $1/2 no-limit ring game and I'm one over button. There are a couple of callers in advance of me and I actually have Ad-Jd. I now flat call, the button folds, and the big blind stays in. The flop comes with 10d-4d-8c. The primary two players check, as well as the third player bets $6. Once i'm up, I happily toss in $20 to head into the $15 pot. Why? To begin with, there's a good chance that I'll win the pot right there. Although I get known as, I'm still in just right shape. I even have the nut flush draw and two over cards towards the board. A lot of cards will aid me over the turn, and if I hit the flush my hand is quite well-disguised. This can be a semi-bluff, as I don't have a full trash hand, save for it also isn't worth anything along at the moment. I enjoy betting into draws when I've position as it puts me in control. Many timid players will fold to me on this situation, and if I run into a tremendous reraise I won't be an immense underdog if I commit to call. This move is leading played from last position relative to one other player, since you'll regularly get to look at a free card for those who don't improve within the turn.

I've heard from many online players who could shield their blinds unnecessarily or call their opponents down very soon to keep them honest. They hate the indisputable fact that someone has to be running over them without a hand. Why get so upset about it? If you happen to would not have a hand yourself, you wouldn't have any business calling their raise. Must you're at the big blind and acquire raised by a notorious bluffer, the worst thing that you would be able to do is just call to peer the flop. Most of some time, the flop goes to overlook both of you. Because you're from position, you'll only like to check the hand. He, correctly, bets and also you would like to fold your hand. All you've done is wasted a few larger chips because you did not want to be bluffed. Toss in a big re-race in the event you ought to, other than have a very hand if you happen you're going to go into conflict which includes a bluffer. Do not get keen on confidential revenge or try that they are the table sheriff - you will only be hurting your individually our bankroll. Don't be concerned, somebody else will be at liberty to position to the badge on the table.

Frequently, you're going to run into such a lot of bluffing online. Rather a lot of any time, you will not be able to know for distinct that your opponent doesn't have you beat. I like to recommend ignoring betting and time patterns and instead taking inventory of past hands using your opponents. While you want to choose up one more pot, I like to recommend the semi-bluff much more frequently online than a straight-bluff. In case you're intending to make an out-of-line steal attempt, guarantee to have some outs to a possible winning hand. Every time you hit your hand, you'll just come across such as you got fortunate for a steal attempt. This also succeeds in securing you future action to your monster hands. Oh, and next time you visit the local poker room, try putting the cards for your mouth and rolling your eyes back inside your head.

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Power Leveling In Diablo III

Discovering the best power leveling techniques in Diablo III is one thing that enables a lot of gamers have the most fun with the game as they can. Gamers who use these strategies reduce the amount of time they spend at the boring lower levels and learn to supercharge their characters to the highest level. This is where Diablo III gets exciting, with intricate arrays of skills and powers, thrilling adversaries, and magnificent rewards are aplenty. The most effective strategies can be discovered easily with only the best, high quality Diablo III guides.

The basis of just about every power leveling strategy for Diablo III is discovering the activities that produce the greatest return of experience for the time spent for any given class or level. Basically, if grinding (killing monsters repeatedly) will provide a character 500 experience per hour, performing arbitrary quests will provide that same character 800 experience per hour, and carrying out a particular set of quests will deliver you 1,000 XP per hour, the latter choice is the quickest and most desired alternative.

In Diablo II grinding was pretty much the only way to power level. However, with the new revamped and redevelopment of Diablo III, grinding is no longer an efficient method to gain more experience and level up faster. Gamers are better off now performing random quests, although a centered, specific approach produces a lot more rewards in terms of experience.

This is certainly an excellent design choice by Blizzard, in fact, most of the game is invested at the intermediate levels, and it truly is a lot more interesting for the gamer when they can do a variety of things and earn exciting prizes in the process instead of simply beating the identical group of adversaries constantly. Nevertheless, it certainly does make power leveling much more challenging.

Although you could figure out the appropriate sequence of quests to take to be able to speed level from level 1 to level 60 on your own, it would probably take a long time. The whole point of power leveling is not to waste time, but to get to the maximum level as fast as possible.

A better solution to power leveling is to take advantage of more experienced players' knowledge. There are a number of Diablo III guides available online that can provide gamers with an in-depth, structured, quick, and dynamic path to the highest levels in the game, while earning tons of gold and gear on the way.

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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Learn How Your Sports Bar Can Build A Cult Following With Weekly Sports Quiz Questions

Generally, we've all participated in sporting activities, but what about sports quiz questions? Some of us excelled in sports and even if you didn't, you tend to follow a player, a team or a particular sport. Most people seem to know a little bit of this and a little bit of that. Why not have fun using this information that resides deep within your brain, just sitting there, gathering dust?

Many of us have heard of the concept of pub quizzes. They're popular in Great Britain and even here in North America. Many bars and pubs run general trivia quizzes, but if you're the owner of a sports bar or pub, think of the following you'll get if you ran a weekly sports quiz. You don't need to be an expert to enjoy a sports quiz. Besides, when you're playing in teams, which is a lot of fun in itself, each person may have a particular strength. With teamwork, you could end up winning prizes; and even if you didn't, it would still have been a lot of fun that you'd want to do it again.

A Weekly Sports Quiz Can Be Profitable To A Sports Bar

For a sports bar owner, this is the key. The money-making potential is there when you run a sports quiz. Sports fans can be quite competitive and keep returning week after week. They enjoy it. They get somewhat hooked and when it's quiz night, you can bet that you'll see many familiar faces. They end up eating and drinking more and as an owner, that's good news for you. Since humans are also curious by nature, customers who may have just walked will ask, "What's going on here?" When they find out, they'll probably ask questions like, "Do you have this every week? Sounds like fun. Can anyone play?" Ah, now you may a new customer who might start showing up every week. Multiply this and you can see the potential. Your wheels are grinding and you hear your brain go "Ka-CHING!"

Customers Have A Great Time With Fun Quizzes

Apart from the profit side of things, the main thing is that your customers are having a good time. Your sports bar or pub is seen as a fun place, a happy place, a happening place. If there was another pub nearby, who do you think they would go to? Unless of course, they are also smart enough to run a weekly quiz, then it's every pub for itself!

As an owner, if you're really looking to make a profit from this idea, the smart thing to do is to run your sports quiz as a "live-hosted" weekly event. It's so much more fun with the interaction factor thrown in. Hopefully, when you can find a company that can help you get the ball rolling, you'd regret not starting this sooner. Still, not to worry; it's never too late. Here's to your success! Cheers!

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Sports Betting Systems: Always Prefer A Safe Bet

It is obviously true today that most people bet more money than they can afford to lose and this fact proved to be true for sports betting. Sports betting decision in different people are different. If you're going to involve in sports betting systems then should be aware of the fact that sports investing is based on statistical information, not hunches. Sport investors set aside a small portion of their income and may use less than 5% of that set aside value on one investment.

If the sports betting system is successful, the bettor will probably will leave their bets themselves for financial ruin. If the system is unsuccessful in the beginning, the bettor will either throw more money at the target in order to regain all of the funds lost and then some or move on to something else. However, if the system fails, the investor will attempt to make back the money lost and nothing else.

Contemporary people large involvement in modern technology like internet forced them to keep knowledge about everything happening around the world. A large percentage of people are getting crazy about it because have been easily able to make money. Winning online in this sport is not a matter of luck all the times. We are going to provide you effective guide that will help you to gain maximum profits from online betting.

Factors to consider whom you are betting against - This is the most primary factor to consider in sports betting systems. Most commonly, bets are placed against the bookmaker or the sports book but at the present time you can find yourself betting against odds maker too.

Understand the rules of the game - This is the second factor you need to consider when going for sports betting. Knowing rules of the game will let you to win consistently and you'll gain confidence after each bet. It as well allows you to try different strategies and help you to go in the long run.

Make selection of sports book wisely - Considering this factor allow you to betting on sites is to place bets with sports book that have a good track. Their enough experience in this sport help in gaining their confidence and playing the game wisely. You should not amaze because you have to rely on such bookmakers. You're advised to check its review and rate given to it. No doubt, this is going to proffer you ample of proper guidance in choosing an online sports-book.

So, are you ready to bet wisely using proper sports betting systems and earn big bucks.

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Game Copy Wizard Download

Game Copy Wizard in my opinion is the best thing... and let me explain why. If you are an avid gamer then you must knowing how important it is to have backups of your games available. Although it's your legal right to have personal back up copies of your gaming files and other information attached with the games. Like me, many of you must have gone through the consoles Xbox 360, Nintendo, almost all PlayStations, GameCube and many more down the line.

What is Game copy wizard?

It is a great game discs back up system. After a deep study and research it has been voted out that game copy wizard is one of the best game copy software on the market today. The wizard works by allowing you to produce the amazing quality back-up or copy of your favorite games for absolutely any type of game console. Copy Wizard uses a DVD burner and is very different from many types of software. How so, you ask? The best thing about Copy Wizard is it also enables you the opportunity to create a backup of your movies, videos, series and music too. Visit its official website in order to grab your download today.

Advantages of Game copy wizard:

- With it, you can backup games from just about any console present on the market. It even works for PC games.
- The best thing about the game copy software is it is easily available online and can be downloaded. With it you can backup your files even in less than $30.
- Game Wizard creates copies of videos, movies, music, and DVDs
- It is easy to use wizard, get regular free updates and get perfect 1:1 copies.
- The Wizard gets through the latest and most protected games easily and lets me burn these games onto any regular blank CD or DVD.

With the help of Game Copy Wizard, you can copy any video game in your personal collection. You can also copy many of your games directly onto writable media without any issue. It is yet to come across a built-in protection program on a game that is too difficult for Game Copy Wizard to break through too. I have been playing games that are long gone thanks to this excellent software. Even old records remain in my play list because of this new technology.

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Monday, September 17, 2012

How to Know If Your Child Is Addicted to Video Games

It is a well-known fact now that the main form of a child's interest is video games. From the arcade games to the consoles that are present in your home, your child most probably ends up spending a lot of time racing around, topping his high score and shooting things on the computer or TV. However, how will you know if this is strong and if it is a positive impact on your child's development? The following text will help you decide if your child is addicted to video games or not.

There are some terrifically obvious signs that show your child's love for addicting games. If your child has started neglecting his basic needs like taking care of his health and hygiene, you should know that you have a question on your hands. The first real sign of addiction is when your child starts neglecting his meals and studies. He would rather be playing computer or console games.

Many children are fans of addicting games when they feel sad or have other problems. If gaming has become a source of distraction for your child from the difficulties of the real world, your child is addicted. When your child starts thinking that gaming will help him solve his pending problems every day, you should start taking some action.

Kids who are stuck on addictive games normally spend an extraordinary amount of time playing a game in one sitting. A long period of gaming can search for more than 10 hours at a stretch. Playing games for a longer time in one session can bring your child in some critical of physical problems, which will hinder his growth and development.

Alternate reality is why kids are attracted to addictive games in the first place. If you have begun to see that your child has started neglecting his social life and would rather sit in his room and play games, it is a sign of trouble. Withdrawing from friends and other people are one of the clearest signs of video game addiction.

In addition, children who abandon their duties and other household chores so that they can play games all day are not a healthy sign. In addition to this, his or her grades might also find dropping, and this will become a real problem for his academic life in the future. When you start seeing any one of the above mention signs, it is time to get some help.

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How Do I Connect Headphones To My TV?

What really stinks is when you are so involved in your game and you hear those magic words coming from the next room. You want any type of noise cancelling headphones to just end this madness. "Turn that off cause I'm trying to sleep!" One can really add any angered quote here because they all lead to the same end. "How do I shut them up by shutting this thing up?"

You've done everything right, you've taken out the trash, put the kids to bed, watched a chick flick or anything else that fits and yet you still can't win. Wait, you got the kids up and fed, packed their lunch, sent them off to school, got them off the bus, made dinner, gave them their bath and put them to bed. Wow, you work harder than I thought! You might need noise cancelling headphones too. Anyways, both of your days were tough!

Television sets, both modern and ones from our parents days didn't come equipped with a headphone jack. Those older sets were designed with a set of built-in stereo speakers (and sometimes a single mono speaker),yes, they did!..But while newer digital sets are typically set up for home theater, which involves connecting the TV to a receiver and Surround Sound speakers, they are pre-determined. But sometimes, a viewer just wants to listen privately while watching a program. The solution is to adapt the TV's audio outputs into a mini-jack for connecting a set of headphones.

Things you'll need to do this:

... TV
... Y-adapter with stereo plugs on one end and a mini-jack on the other, available at electronics stores.
... Headphones

Here is what to do:

... Find the Audio Out jacks on the back-white and red
... Insert the "Y" plugs into place... Insert the mini-plug on the end of the headphones cord into the small jack on the end of the Y adapter
... Insert the mini-plug on the end of the headphones cord into the small jack on the end of the Y adapter
... Press the "Menu" button on the TV remote control and toggle the up and down arrows until "Speakers" appears on the display.
... Use the left and right arrows to turn the TV's built-in speakers on and off for private

Of course each TV set is different; you will find that this will work most of the time. What kind of headphones will you be using with this TV to drown out all of your distractions. Don't stop with what we just talked about! There are way too many headphones to even think about which ones are the best. After all, you aren't here because you have too much time on your hands. There are those that want to make your life easier and will do the hard work for you! Yes, that's us! Surprise! Do not walk into an electronics store or anywhere else to buy your headphones and allow them to solve your problem. We've put the ball in motion and started checking these headphones out for you.

Since you've been here this long, we want to give you our thoughts and findings of many of the different headphones available to you. We want to offer to you more of our services by giving you the website that we work on. Everyone hates researching the different brands and styles of whatever they shop for. We do the entire headphone shopping review for you about noise cancelling headphones and give it to you at our website. We give honest reviews and helpful hints to set you in the direction of buying the headphones that are best for you.

Too much yelling or noise in your house? What if you want to hear your jams just right and forget everything around you... Visit us to make sure that your purchase is really thought about and what's best for your needs.

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What to Do If You Know Your Kid Has An Online Game Addiction

Perhaps you have noticed that your child has spent a lot of time playing games recently. Maybe he has found some new, cool games online and he just can't seem to stop. At what point do you wonder if your child has an online game addiction?

Video games have become a major part in the lives of our youth. Since our children have more free time to spend playing games, they often find the virtual worlds easier to live in than the real thing. Some children are more than happy to isolate themselves from friends and family to get to the next level or meet some new challenge in a game.

At some point their gaming achievements may become more important to them than the things that are going on in the real world. With the arrival of massive multiplayer online role-playing games, the problem is becoming more acute. According to the Council on Science and Public Health in 2005, gamers that spend more than two hours per day are defined as gaming too much. This is citing the American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines that no child should have more than two hours of screen time per day.

According to Dr. Maressa Hecht Orzack, around 40% of the players of World of Warcraft are suffering from some sort of online games addiction. In a 2006 lecture, 12% of online gamers that were polled reported they had some form of addictive behaviors.

While online gaming addiction is not recognized as a diagnosable disorder by the American Medical Association, there seems to be an alarming number of teens that are suffering from symptoms. As the games become more complex and detailed they are able to compel the player into their virtual worlds. These cool games online also use improved graphics and strategic challenges to entice the players to get more involved.

Not all gamers are addicted, a lot of teens, pre-teens and adults can play with no uncontrollable compulsion. However this is not true of everyone.

Since video games are designed to be addictive and to entice people to play more, it increases the likelihood that a person can become addicted. In some cases the person might be trying to beat a high score or discover some new way to beat the game while the enticement is still there.

Does it Ever End?

For games that are massive multiplayer, this problem can be even worse because the game is designed to never end. Some kids have friends that spend hours per day playing games to make higher results than they do. They therefore feel compelled by online peer pressure to play more to keep up with their peers.

For children that have poor relationship skills and are easily bored, video game addiction can become a serious concern. Some researchers at the Hammersmith Hospital in London found in 2005 that dopamine levels of players doubled while they were in the middle of a game. Since dopamine is a mood regulating hormone, it can enhance the body's feelings of pleasure. This can lead to a chemically addictive behavior.

Gaming Addiction Symptoms

If you think your child may be addicted to video games or the Internet there are certain things you can look out for. One of the most obvious behaviors is excessive time being spent playing games or in front of a computer. It doesn't matter whether it's a gaming console or a laptop the results are still the same. Other indicators can be moodiness and depression when not online. They can become preoccupied and often fantasize while being online.

You might see changes in sleeping patterns or sudden weight loss or weight gain. Be aware that some children lie about how much time they spend gaming or on the Internet to continue their activities.

If your child is showing these symptoms, it is highly recommended that you limit the amount of time they spend in front of a screen. In some cases it may be beneficial to take the computer gaming system out of their room so that they are required to play in a common area of the home. This can help you watch your child and track how much time they spend gaming.

If you feel that your child is unable to stay away from the screen without addictive behavior, they may need professional treatment. There are addiction centers that are available to help with this and in some cases it may need a therapeutic boarding school or a residential treatment center. The most important thing is to get your child some help as soon as possible.

Cool games online are normally trustworthy for pleasing free time necessities also can sharpen your mental senses and keep your brain cells in shape, If you feel that your child is unable to stay away from the screen without addictive behavior, they may require professional treatment.

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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Put Your Knowledge Of Sports Facts To Good Use By Playing A Sports Quiz In A Bar

If you love sports and trivia and have the ability to retain sports facts, have you considered playing in a trivia league? There are sports bars and pubs in North America that offer weekly trivia quizzes as part of their entertainment schedule. However, not too many seem to offer a quiz that's solely dedicated to sports.

Trivia, especially when played in a team in a pub setting with a host asking the questions is incredibly fun and exciting. When it's just sports, it gives it that added spice. It becomes competitive and you're pumping adrenaline overtime! After all, many people love sports and there's always some great back-and-forth banter between friends who think "they know it all."

The pub quiz is not a new concept. It's been around for years and many bars and pubs offer this form of weekly entertainment for their customers. However, owners of these establishments don't seem to offer a sports-specific weekly quiz to cater to their die-hard sports enthusiasts, which is a bit of a shame. This money-making potential for the owner is often overlooked. Though there must be sports bars that do offer it, it seems a bit of a rarity. Perhaps as customers, you could mention it to staff, who may persuade the owner to start a sports quiz. Imagine a sports bar without a sports quiz? The nerve!

The best kind of sports trivia quiz is the sort that is "live-hosted". With a host asking the questions, it really gets pretty fun and exciting. The host plays an important role. If the host is confident, funny and a bit of a "smarty-pants" himself/herself, it creates great banter between the host and players. Players keep returning weekly, spending on food and drinks and staying longer (all great news for the establishment).

Many places offer "live" bands and there's nothing wrong in that. Some places offer karaoke. Again, nothing wrong in that either; but how long can you listen to someone croaking away at a John Denver tune? Ask yourself if you can get addicted to someone belting out those unreachable notes of Whitney Houston's! Sports trivia - now there's something you can get addicted to. You're in your element. Answer as many questions correctly and who knows; there might be a prize at the end of it for your team! How cool is that?

If only more sports bars would offer this to their customers, they would notice a "sudden" loyalty with the same faces showing up weekly to participate in a pub sports quiz. So, if you want to play and put your sports facts to good use (finally), why not speak to your local sports bar and ask them to introduce fun sports quizzes on a weekly basis? You'll be glad - and so will they!

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How to Customize Your Bingo Chips

You have been to different casinos for many times. But have you ever paid attention to the chips? Actually, there are different kinds of chips in different casinos, even on different tables. They are in different colors, sizes, materials, functions and so on. If I ask you a question what your favourite chips are, you may feel a little puzzled.

In many countries, different colours have different meanings. For example, Chinese people like red because red stands for good luck and victory. But western people hate red because red seems a little fierce. Therefore, when you are in a casino and are likely to bet, it is important for you to choose the right colour of chips. Perhaps your favourite colour chips can not help you win according to science. But mentally, your favourite colour can make you happy and released while you are betting. It really can help you do better in gambling.

What's more, there are different shapes of chips. Do you like the round one best? Or the oblong one? Even the triangle one? Most people feel that heavy chips stand for expensive chips. Actually, many manufacturers are more likely to design different kinds of chips due to different denimination because there is psychological hint for gambling people.

Now please pay attention to three kinds of chips, they are poker chips, casino chips and ceramic chips. What are the similarity and difference of them?

Poker chips are the least formal one. It is made of the cheapest materials. Many mini clubs or family parties will use this kind of chips. It can be made of plastics or other low-cost materials. They are designed into casual style and printed on casual pictures. They will make people feel released and less nervous while taking them.

Casino chips are the more normal ones. They mostly are used in casinos. They can be made of different materials such as plastic, ceramic, glasses and so on. They are always designed into formal shapes. Round ones stand for lower denimination while the oblong ones stand for higher denimination. Casino chips must be luxury and noble so as to make gambling people have belief in their ability to win.

The last one is ceramic chips. It is a kind of special chip. Ceramic is a special form of china. It is harder than china. But what different from ordinary china is, it is not fragile. Because it is heated longer than china. Therefore it is not only used to make chips, sometimes it is used to make cups, coasters or even phone cases.

Now you have basic understanding of these three kinds of poker chips. You may feel interested in one of them. It is hoped that these three kinds of chips will bring good luck to their owners or users.

Different kinds of chips can have different magic to help their users to win.

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Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Various Steps And Procedures of Making A Video Game

Whether you are into video games for the sheer thrill of it or developing a keen interest about the designing process, you must have surely wondered at some point about the exact procedures that are involved in creating these products. Video game designing is one of the most interesting technologies in today's time which is why this whole field has also emerged as the most sought after career choice amongst today's generation.
The Step By Step Process of Game Designing:
• Conceptualization - The first step in the development of any game starts with its conceptual part. Much before a video game is programmed the concept is actually put down on paper. The basic theme is brainstormed and developed by a group of creative designers who work in a team to visualize a rough sketch of the characters and the focal features of the game.
• Characterization - Once the basic theme is conceptualized, it is passed onto animation experts who translate the personality and features of the characters into 3D versions. A lot of graphic designing work is involved in this process during which each and every feature, movement and gesture of the characters are sketched out, sculpted or video captured from real life models to get all the animation elements perfectly accurate and as real as possible.
• Virtual Game World Development - While the characters are one of the main aspects of designing, the development of the game world is equally important. These aspects, the characters and the gaming world that they are portrayed in are the two most crucial elements which are the deciders of its popularity. The better the creation and animation of these elements the more real and life-like are the final result which adds to the whole thrilling experience for gamers.
• Coding - Once the creative designing part is over, it's time for the computer programmers to take over and make the characters and the game world work beautifully and smoothly through an intricate coding system. The coding part of the video game can be simply understood as adding the artificial intelligence element in order to make it actually function as a video game.
• Testing - Testing is one of the most crucial stages and most video games are sent back and forth through testers and designers until all the elements are passed. While each and every feature is paid minute attention in this step, testers broadly try to detect any form of animation and sound malfunctions as well as coding errors in it.
There are scores of video game designing companies across the world who have gaming professionals specialized in each of the specific aspect of video game designing. Once these games pass the testing process they are ready to be distributed in the market but their popularity is largely dependent on the manner of promotion of the product which brings us to the final step of their development. So the next time you are playing a game think about these steps and the large number of people who come together to bring these highly entertaining and technologically advanced games to your home!

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